Monday, September 20, 2010

Our new members of the family

I was woken up in the morning by my little sister, to chase two rabbits around the backyard for half an hour.

After catching two rabbits from the backyard I came in to eat some breakfast, then it was back to doing more jobs like: Cleaning the rabbit and Bird hutch then we all sat down, and ate my sister's homemade puff dogs that you can get the recipe to on my mothers blog, A Dash Of Flavour.

Then our mam talked my father into letting us, having a bird. Then my mam, sister and I went for a drive to the pet shop and we brought two beautiful baby budgies back home with us.

Yellow budgie= Mellow my bird
Blue budgie= Alex's bird who is yet to be named!
That me over and out.....


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Disco Party

On the 28th of March I had a Disco Party at my house and I invited about 32 people not every one came to the Party. I got: $220, Dart Board, Wall-E the PS2 game, Chocolate Eggs and a block of Toblerone. We played Singstar and had a Tiger Cake it was fantastic and tasted just as good as it looked. The party was 6-9pm it aws so fun I turned Eleven. When the party had finished was wacthed the Simpsons Movie.

Friday, January 30, 2009


On the 24th of January I had two of my best friends over for the night. While it was still day I made WD MOBILE FIGHTER 3D ROBOT. It came with no instructions it was pretty hard but it came out pretty nice.

Then I started to make Slink the Snake I stopped for a breack half way throw and then finshed with some halp by my Mam. Then my sister & I went to our Nana & Grandad and went to the Pictures to see Bedtime Stoires.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Going to Halls Gap for a good three days

About a week ago Alex and I spend about 4 hours in a car. It does not matter because it was worth it and the place we went to is called Halls Gap. It is a nice place but it gets too hot, really hot, and when it is about dusk all the kangaroos come out.

The hotel we stayed at was called the Pinnacles in Halls Gap. Halls Gap has one of Victoria's friendliest patting Zoos, a Beautiful Winery and some of the wines are named after Aboriginal people. One of the wines is Billi Billi, it is a Aboriginal red wine and it smells beautiful.

Alex and I had a bedroom to share. The Hotel we stayed at had: a Tennis court, Half a basketball court, Swimming pool, A small playground. I recommend the Pinnacles to all the people that read my blog.

2 weeks later which was yesterday we went to Healesville Sanctuary I watched the Birds of Prey show and a Wedge Tail Eagle flew to me and I got a wing in the face 3 times, It was Awesome!!! Next was Parrots in Flight one of the real characters at the Sanctuary was Kevin, the Galah, and the guy that was talking about Kevin. He was the same that taught Kevin Haw to recycle paper. He said "if a bird can recycle people can to."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A cool weekend

On the weekend Mam, Dad, my sister and I went to a friends house. It was so fun I did a jump on my friends bike it was pretty easy and fun. We had a different dinner because we normally have something healthy but we had sausages in bread with tomato sauce. We played a game of Hide and seek tiggy and I was never it beside when I let them get me on purpose but I had a lot of fun at my friends house. Then couple of day ago Dad and I went to Caribbean gardens and got a R4 for my friends Birthday it was fun. My weekend was very cool.